Three leading technology providers in their fields, MAGMA GmbH, which specializes in the virtual optimisation of foundry processes, Hüttenes-Albertus (HA), a leading supplier of foundry chemicals, and Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH, the core shooting machine manufacturer, have joined forces to establish a long-term partnership.
„Discover the true potenial of modern core shop“ – as the world's leading supplier of core-making technology, Laempe Mössner Sinto will present its product portfolio at GIFA focussing on the key topics of data transparency, digitization and overall efficiency.
In the February issue (2/2019) of the trade magazine GIESSEREI, a guest contribution by Laempe's managing director Rudolf Wintgens and Julian Feinauer, founder and managing director of pragmatic industries, was published. Both experts address the possibilities of digitization in the foundry sector.
The German foundry magazine "GIESSEREI" reports in its January issue about INACORE and the digital possibilities of the core-making industry of the future, which has been producing inorganic cores for about a year.
Laempe Mössner Sinto, the world leader in core-making technology, is systematically pursuing its digitization strategy and continuing to strengthen its competences for industry 4.0 in-house.
INACORE, the modern core-making company, celebrated its official opening on Friday, September 21 nearly 100 guests from politics, business and the companies R. Scheuchl GmbH and Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH were welcomed to the new core production...